Your front porch is often responsible for the first impression people form when visiting your home. If it looks rundown and unkempt, visitors may form a negative opinion before ever setting foot inside. If it’s clean and welcoming, they’re sure to feel differently.

Whether or not you expect company, taking the time to spruce up this area of your property can be a powerful mood-changer and enhance the value of your house. However, aside from displaying lights during the holidays, most homeowners don’t put as much effort into enhancing the front porch as they do some other areas. That’s too bad, because with a little design help, your front porch could be just as comfortable and inviting as your backyard.

For example, a simple styling tip is to clear the clutter and put out a few chairs. You’ll create a tidy look while also providing visitors with a place to stop and chat for a few moments. Other ideas are just as easy to implement, such as adding a container garden or hanging some string lights. Of course, a good pressure-washing and a fresh coat of paint also can greatly impact how people perceive your facade. See the accompanying checklist for these and many other tips you can use.

Front Porch Styling Tips from George Apap Painting