Interior design has evolved a lot over time. It has gradually emerged as an art. Well, there is no denying the fact that it still is about the looks but with changing times it has also started playing a vital role in space management of the home.

On the other hand, a tiny apartment with space just enough to accommodate the essentials can be transformed into a cozy nest with enough space for just about everything. It is all about the design you see. With the right design and the use of contemporary home layout methods, a significant difference can be witnessed in the overall look and design of the home.

Designing actually holds much more value than it may seem at a first glance. In addition to simple improvisation methods like updating the garage, installing custom signs for home etc. professional interior design is gaining value.

In fact, its importance is no less than that of architecture, at least when it comes to the interiors of a place. Hiring an interior designer, therefore, has become more of a compulsion rather than an option these days.

Further, whether you are a novice who has just stepped into the world of interior design or an absolute professional of the art, it is crucial to revise the basics from time to time. Keeping that in mind, here we have brought you three interior design rules that will totally transform the way your home looks and give it a whole new dimension – the dimension of design!

#1. The 60-30-10 Color Rule

60-30-10 is one of the most popular interior designing rules which help you decide a color combination for your room instantly. The 60% + 30% + 10% proportion gives a balance to the colors used and is incredibly simple to implement.

The color present in 60% of the total proportion should be the most prominent color in your room. In a majority of the cases, the 60% of a room would be most of the walls, rugs, and sofa. The idea is that the 60% color defines the color scheme, space and also acts as a backdrop for what appears next.

The color present in 30% of the proportion is the secondary color. This color must be present in half the volume of the main color and must not overshadow it. The key concept is that it should support the main color, but must be different enough to set the two apart.

Lastly, the color present in 10% of the proportion is the ‘accent color’. This color should preferably be the boldest of all and is used for accessories of the room.

#2. The 3/3 Vertical Rule

Proposed by designer Mark McCauley, the ‘3/3 Vertical Rule’ suggests decorating your home drawing inspiration from nature. If you are absolutely clueless about design, drawing inspiration from nature can lead you.

The 3/3 Vertical Rule is Mark McCauley’s notion of design presented in his book Color Therapy At Home: Real-Life Solutions for Adding Color to Your Life. The designer takes us back to the basics and reminds us of the beauty of nature.  In all the natural setups, it can generally be observed that the darker elements are near the ground level, the medium elements are in the middle, followed by the lightest elements at the top.  It is recommended that you also distribute your shades accordingly for a balanced room design and decor.

Hence, as the ground is generally the darkest and the sky lightest in color, the designer suggests that the darker colors/elements should be on or near the floor of the room. The medium intensity shades should be in the middle and the lightest shades must be at the top.

#3. The Rule Of 3s

Grouping the accessories or objects in your room in triplets can stir a significant visual interest among the viewers as compared to even-numbered groupings. Due to some weird reasons, three seems to be the ideal number for a grouping. Surprisingly, one, five, or even seven couldn’t make it to the finals because the former feels painfully simple while the latter two carry the risk of overpopulating the room.

The rule of threes follows the fact that things or elements arranged in odd numbers are more tempting to the eye, appealing, pleasant and effective as compared to even-numbered groupings.

Maybe that’s how our brains are programmed to interpret beauty. As three is the smallest number that is known to register a distinct pattern in our minds, designers generally swear by it. Moreover, whenever we spot an odd number of things, our eyes are forced to move around more, making for an interesting visual deal.

Rather than scoffing, it is recommended that for once, you try understanding why these rules are being followed as rules of thumb by almost all the professional designers. Paying attention to them and reading them over before you start designing can actually help you come up with something to be proud of. It is a fact that if you design following these rules and protocols, you will end up with a masterpiece and easily see what a difference of design that can make!

The design industry is dynamic. It is ever-changing and doesn’t follow anything for long. Trends come and go over a span of months, yet these rules act as some key guidelines in the industry and will help you lay a solid foundation for your design. Moreover, if you know exactly what you crave for, you can design your cozy nest interior exclusively by yourself and consult an architect realize it. Thus, does not matter if you are a practicing professional in interior design or not, these rules can come in handy.

Apart from that, it is advisable that you hire an interior designer for amazing results like realtors in miami are expert in it. The idea is great and practical, but do the homework well before finalizing anything for the interior of your home should not only look and feel good but also needs to be functional, practical and convenient for the residents.