A home building or remodelling project is an opportunity to create the kind of house, interior or exterior design you have always desired. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of remodelling rooms and purchasing new items. In order to make sure that your project turns out well, it is important to always take proper planning and safety steps. There is nothing worse than having that perfect home building/remodelling project go wrong because of unexpected roadblocks. There are several things to do suggested by Rokco Builds, a building company in Morningside, QLD, before the actual remodelling.

1. Building Permits

Anytime a homeowner is planning on adding something new to the home they should first check to see if it is allowed under local building codes. This requires a bit of research to see what the local rules permit. Some places have very strict codes. Never assume that small addition is going to be okay. 

After you find out your project is allowed, the next step is to secure any necessary building permits. There is a legal requirement to ensure that you provide the safest workplace that you possibly can. Accidents can and do happen, but if you’re questioning if you really need that safety sign?, the answer is YES. Plenty of remodelling projects have been delayed due to the homeowner skipping this step. 

2. Asbestos Testing

People that live in older homes should be aware that they might be living with a hidden danger – asbestos. This is a fibrous material that is dangerous when it becomes airborne. Asbestos is easily inhaled into the lungs. It has been linked to cancer and severe lung disease. 

Contact companies that specialize in asbestos testing and have them do an inspection. If your home has asbestos insulation or ceiling tile, the best option is complete asbestos removal. This is expensive, but it is riskier to release toxic particles into the air during a remodel.

3. Foundation Inspection

Many remodelling projects involve tearing into the foundation. Depending on the type of project being done there could be hidden problems lurking. Numerous things can affect the stability of a foundation. This includes water damage, insect infestation and warping due to temperature fluctuations. It is smart to bring in an expert to inspect the home foundation and provide a report of any potential issues that need fixing.

4. Choose a Building Company Wisely

Homeowners should take the time to thoroughly research home improvement contractors. While saving money on the project is important, it should not be the sole factor in picking a contractor. There are too many nightmare stories of homeowners having poor and incomplete work done. Choosing wrong is actually more expensive in the end. 

Hire contractors that are bonded and properly licensed. Ask them for referrals from other homeowners that have used their services. Protect your home and investment by expecting top quality.

Things You Need to Know about Home Building

Building your own home, or having someone do the job for you, will require some knowledge in this area. There are several stages in home building that can be a long term problem if not appropriately handled, which is why the builder should be prepared to follow strict guidelines. As the owner, you should know some of the questions to ask your builder, here are just a few of them. 

Hidden Fees

The cost of construction is already high enough as it is, so when your home is complete, you probably don’t want to have any hidden charges to deal with. Impact and transfer fees can sneak up and bite you if you are not expecting them, which is why those issues need to be addressed by the home builder ahead of time. 

Experience Matters

Your home is probably one of the most valuable assets that you will ever own, not to mention the fact that you will be depending on it for the comfort and safety of your entire family. Does your builder have the experience necessary to complete the job in a fashion that you expect and are there any references that you can look to in order to confirm that fact? 

A Piece of Paper

Nobody likes to have to go back to the drawing board, which means that when you make arrangements with a builder, you expect a guarantee that he knows what he is doing. But when it comes to home building, for your peace of mind, you should be prepared to go one step further and make certain that your builder is both licensed and bonded. 

Worth Waiting For

Although plans are made well in advance and perfection takes time to complete, when a builder promises you the finished product on a particular date, you should be able to get it. Your concern here should be, in the unlikely event that things don’t go according to plan, will you be handed an additional bill, or will the builder be covering those costs? 

When it comes to home building, there is a lot that can change between the time you sign up with your home builder and the time you are handed your keys. If something needs to be changed by you, up to what time will your builder entertain those changes. And there you have it, a few key pointers to help you choose the right home builder.