Though cleaning a house is challenging, keeping it spotless is the biggest test for families and housemaids alike. Overall condition of a home depicts family lifestyle so it has to be perfect by any means necessary. It’s nothing impossible if each member takes responsibility over a specific cleaning chore. Whilst not having time at all, housemaids are there to do the job and their services are prominent all over the globe especially in big cities like Dubai. Daily cleaning is important to keep your home clutter-free and for better health.

It’s a simple task of sweeping, mopping, dusting and washing that may become a headache if skipped even for a single day. When depending on a maid, better come-up with a checklist to get the task done strategically and precisely. This is also handy when it comes to organising a home after cleaning. If you break-down the chores, it would be much easier for both you and cleaning maid. A tidy home is relaxing and what if guests suddenly drop-by; you need to keep your house spick-and-span.

Whether you or your maid is set for houseclean, start one room per day if situation is dire. You’ll be surprised that researchers at Indiana University found that daily housecleaning helps to keep your blood pressure controlled, even burns excess fats and prevents development of mould, allergen, dust and bacteria. So you’re getting double advantages from just a single chore. Today, we’ll tell you how to keep the house clean and keep it that way.

1. Downsize

Each possession you have requires frequent cleaning and organising. When broken, it needs to be fixed whereas you’ve to put it back if taken from a place. In easy terms, it means to “declutter” your home and keep it cleaned over time to reduce daily housework. Furthermore, get rid of all the extra goods that aren’t in use for longer before hoarding more items. Donating them to the needy or holding a yard sale is the best way. When calling for a cleaning service in Dubai, not only they cover basic cleaning but organising your home properly is also included in the list. That’s what we call true professionalism.

2. Dining Restrictions

The term merely doesn’t mean you should stop eating; it refers to restricting a meal place that can be a dining room or kitchen. Moving about while eating would leave food debris such as crumbs, leftovers and even wrappers everywhere that’s really annoying! Not only it cause pollution but amass ants and food flies. Therefore always eat at a particular spot and instil same manners in your children. Remember a clean home is a sign of healthy family!

3. Out Goes the Dirt

The biggest source of a dirty home is, well “dust” and it can easily accumulate even in tiny nooks. If not cleaned frequently, dust mites may spread over carpeted surface that further results in breathing ailments like asthma. Asides daily sweep and mop, you can prevent dust by keeping a different shoe pair when going out and for home. If you’ve pets, groom them well to avoid pet dander and fleas from raiding your interior.

4. Careful Organising

When done with cleaning, all that’s required to keep it spotless is careful organising. Don’t bury trashcans under the closet or rid the litter under carpet but dispose in a plastic bag. Keep cleaning supplies in-order so that you or your maid won’t have any trouble finding them. Store vacuum cleaner in a handy location since you’ll probably need it frequently.