Speed cleaning is quickly and efficiently cleaning your home. This is often done when you are hosting an event, or you will have relatives come over.

You can do speed cleaning in several ways. For example, you can do dishwashing and sweep the floor simultaneously. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe down surfaces while cooking.

Simply put, you can use speed cleaning when you do not have time to deep clean. If that is the situation you are in, then here are six tips to follow through with:

Keep cleaning supplies handy

Keeping cleaning supplies handy can help you clean your home faster. It is also time-saving in the long run because you won’t have to go back and forth to get the supplies.

Keeping your cleaning supplies within reach is the best place to store tools. That way, you can quickly grab all the tools you need.

It’s also ideal to keep a mini-version of your cleaning supplies in the parts of your home that get the messiest or dirtiest the fastest. That way, you can clean it anytime you need to.

Clean in a logical order

At Maid Sailors Cleaning Services Austin, we encourage our clients to clean logically. That’s because it is a great way to have a more streamlined cleaning process.

Cleaning your house can be a tedious task. It can also be time-consuming, especially if you have a big place. But the best way to go about it is not to clean it in random order.

It is vital to clean logically because it will make the job easier. It would help if you started with where you wake up, such as making your bed. Do with what feels the most natural to you.

If you hurry or need to clean up after guests, it is best to vacuum first because it will pick up dirt on the floor or furniture that can’t be easily seen.

Learn to multitask

Multitasking household chores can help you get ahead of your to-do list more efficiently and save time. It also allows you to track what needs to be done around the house.

It is easier to multitask with household chores when you plan and know what needs to be done. However, it is essential to note that multitasking your household chores is not a replacement for doing them. It is more of an efficiency technique.

If you turn on a piece of equipment, like a dishwasher or your washing machine, you can let it run while doing other tasks. That way, you can get more done.

Clean in manageable chunks

Cleaning in manageable chunks or periods is an excellent way of keeping the house clean. It will not only help you to stay on top of things, but it will also save you time and energy.

Cleaning may seem like a daunting task. It can be overwhelming seeing how big the mess is and not knowing where to start. That’s why you should find a way to reduce your cleaning chore into different and more “bite-sized” tasks.

For example, cleaning one room at a time or tackling one type of surface can help. Doing the most difficult tasks first, cleaning as you go along rather than all at once, and organizing your cleaning supplies are great ways to make cleaning manageable.

Use a timer

A timer can ensure that you don’t spend too much time on one task and neglect others. It can also help you work smarter and not harder by setting a time limit for each task.

The time limit can be set to 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or even an hour. It will make you clean more efficiently and in less time.

A timer can help you get into the habit of being more mindful of how long each task takes.

Get the whole family involved

It is a common belief that cleaning is a chore, and not everyone wants to do it. But, with the whole family involved in the process, it will be more enjoyable for everyone. You can also save effort and time when you hire professional cleaning services.

It is vital to involve the whole family in cleaning the house. That’s because it will help everyone in the family feel involved and know what needs to be done. There’s usually one person that oversees home cleanliness, but everyone should be doing their part in keeping the house clean.

By involving everyone, there’s the fewer mess created and more people or workforce that can help with reducing clutter in the house.

The speed cleaning tips should help you better approach and a more successful turn at maintaining your home. That way, you do not have to spend a long time keeping your home as clean as possible, especially when you’re in a rush.